Honestly, we’ve been sitting on this news for almost 18 months now! Before we even launched our Kickstarter campaign last year, we approached Dominic Armato (a.k.a. Guybrush Threepwood) and asked him if he’d be interested in lending his vocal talents to our new point & click adventure game Lucy Dreaming.
Dom is a brilliant chap. Clever, funny, professional and thoroughly lovely to boot. Although the paperwork involved has been…voluminous…it’s an absolute delight to be able to officially announce his involvement.

“People tell me they don’t understand why I haven’t worked on other games over the past decade. The truth is, nobody asked! I was thrilled that Tom and Emma were able to make it happen. And a quirky love letter to graphic adventures like Lucy Dreaming felt like just the right opportunity to jump back in.”
Dominic Armato
Obviously, this predates the Return to Monkey Island announcements, and even Dom wasn’t aware of it on the horizon when we started working together, so when the news broke we immediately shot him an email to both congratulate him on his reprised role as the most beloved character in our genre, and to double-check that his new trajectory towards further stardom hadn’t put a monkey wrench in the works for us.
Dom reassured us that he was definitely still on board, and we now have everything in the can ready for our fast-approaching release later this year.
“It was a dream come true when Dom agreed to get involved in the game. We wrote a character just for him, inspired by his career as a dining critic. It’s been amazing to work with someone who is so much a part of adventure game history and my own childhood.”
Tom Hardwidge
Lucy Dreaming is due for release later this year after overfunding on Kickstarter back in 2021, and a 30-60 minute spoiler-free demo is available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android.