We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we are one of only eleven indie game studios to have been accepted for Round 7 of UK Games Fund funding.
What does this mean for Lucy Dreaming?

The grant can cover work and expenses from UK-based suppliers, so we can’t put it towards the localisation of the game (none of our chosen translators are based in the UK), or the music (our composer is off-shore too). We can however use it to help cover our other expenses like artwork, development, voice overs, marketing & business development and studio costs.
After the expenses, taxes and reward costs from Kickstarter have been taken into account, there’s not as much left in the pot as you might expect (it’s very easy to see the final amount and forget that half of it won’t even reach us), so support like this from the UK Games Fund is absolutely invaluable for maintaining the quality of the final game, ensuring that it has a successful launch and generally keeping everything ticking over while it is being developed.
If it means that some of the Kickstarter funds can be re-directed in order to improve and expand the original spec of the game, all the better. As we’ve always said, we want Lucy Dreaming to be the best it can be, and a shining example of what the UK indie adventure games industry can produce.
Tom x